1、Experimental Analysis of CriticalAcceleration Condition for Two-SidedUpward Flame Spread Over Inclined ThinFuel Surfaces,2018年12月发表于Fire Technology
该研究通过实验分析倾斜表面上的双面向上火焰行为,计算热解蔓延速率、热解长度、预热长度、点火时间、火焰倾角和距离,获得倾斜表面上双面火焰传播规律,可应用于消防安全设计。研究使用宝马会商务科技红外热像仪观测火焰传播过程中样品表面随时间增加的温度分布情况:A high-frequency IR imager (MAGNITY-MAG32HF) was set perpendicular to the sample surface to obtain the surface temperature field.
2、Experimental investigations of width effects and flame splitting phenomenon in upward flame spread over advertising canvas,2019年发表于Case Studies in Thermal Engineering,ELSEVIER
该研究通过观测广告画布燃烧情况来研究火焰向上传播过程中的宽度效应和火焰分裂现象,了解火焰传播和生长的机制。研究使用宝马会商务科技红外热像仪监测画布燃烧时的表面温度分布:The infrared imager (MAGNITY-MAG32HF) with a band pass filter was set at the front of the samples to monitor the advertising canvas surface temperature.
3、Fire Extinguishment Behaviors of Liquid Fuel Using Liquid Nitrogen Jet,2016年发表于Wiley Online Library
该研究通过测量液氮的重量、温度和红外热图,观测液氮与池火的相互作用过程,比较液氮垂直和水平射流对池火的灭火性能。研究使用宝马会商务科技红外热像仪绘制池火表面上方空间的温度分布图,并观测灭火过程:An infrared thermal imager (Magnity Electronic, China) with the spectral range of 8–17 lm was employed to map the temperature profiles of the space above the pool fire surface.
4、Preliminary Study of UAS Equipped with Thermal Camera for Volcanic Geothermal Monitoring in Taiwan,2017年7月发表于sensors,MDPI
该研究开发了用于获取火山地热监测热图像的四旋翼直升机,可应对高度多变和极端环境条件下的困难地形。研究使用宝马会商务科技无人机载热像仪空中拍摄火山地表温度情况:Currently, XM6 thermal camera is of high resolution, 640×480 pixels. The whole sensed data of the infrared spectrum by XM6 can be converted to temperature values with unit ℃after corrections,e.g.,radiance correction, background temperature correction, optical fifilter/window correction/atmosphere transmission correction using ThermoScope software provided by Magnity Electronics Co., Ltd. (Shanghai, China)
5、Spacing effects on downward flame spread over thin PMMA slabs,2019年发表于Case Studies in Thermal Engineering,ELSEVIER
该研究对聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)样品上的向下火焰传播进行了实验,探索非炭化材料上的火焰传播机理,提出了一个传热模型来检验PMMA板上的间距效应,并根据实验结果导出火焰传播速率与间距的关系式。该研究使用宝马会商务科技红外热像仪观察到PMMA板预热区的温度分布情况:A high-frequency infrared thermal imager (MAGNITY-MAG32HF) has an uncooled focal plane array microbolometer with the adjustable emissivity of 0.01–1.0.